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How To Get Approved For Life Insurance With Blood Clots

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A blood clot can potentially affect your life insurance eligibility. But the road isn’t closed.

For this reason, it’s important to understand the relationship between blood clots and life insurance, especially regarding what an underwriter will see within your application.

Here’s what you need to know to find the right company so you receive the best and most affordable life insurance with blood clots in your records.

Buying Life Insurance with Blood Clots In Your Medical History

microscopic picture of blood clotBlood clots are a very common medical issue in the United States. Even more people are at a high risk for developing a blood clot in the future.

According to Stop the Clot, roughly one million Americans develop blood clots each year.

About 250,000 of these cases are potentially fatal. Indeed, approximately 275 people die from blood clots and related issues each day in the United States.

So what exactly is a blood clot and what causes them? defines a blood clot as a mass of blood changing from liquid to a gel-like or semisolid state.

The organization goes on to explain not all blood clots are bad. They often form to help protect your body from harm.

For example, blood clots form when an artery or vein is cut to stop the bleeding.

Problems arise when the blood clot develops inside the vein or artery for no good reason. This type of blood clot can block or seriously slow the flow of blood.

Though these sometimes dissolve on their own, often they do not.

The most common causes of blood clots include:

When a blood clot forms for no positive reason and doesn’t quickly dissolve, it causes a number of painful symptoms. The most common symptoms of blood clots are:

  • Lightheadedness
  • Chest Pain
  • Difficulty Breathing
  • Faster Than Normal Heartbeat
  • Changes in Vision
  • Difficulty Speaking
  • Sudden Weakness, Numbness, or Pain in Arm, Leg, Shoulder, or Face

The U.S. National Laboratory of Medicine provides several self-care tips to prevent and reduce your risk of developing blood clots.

These include:

  1. Avoid staying immobile for long periods. Walk around periodically, especially on airplane trips and long car trips.
  2. Exercise regularly. Moving around plenty, especially after surgery or medical bed rest, is essential.
  3. Drink plenty of fluids, especially in situations where mobility is limited (such as traveling).
  4. Dedicate yourself to a healthier lifestyle. Eat better and exercise often to lower your weight and blood pressure. Stop smoking.

We will help guide you to work with a life insurance company who understands blood clots. Such a company will give you the best rates on your insurance premium as possible.

Though we can’t guarantee approvals or top rates, we do guarantee to do the extensive legwork for you and provide you with full disclosure on availability.

The Application Process

Basic knowledge of the life insurance application process is essential. It helps you understand exactly what an underwriter looks for when designing your premium.

Life insurance companies don’t want to insure clients who are high risk without adding an appropriate amount of additional premium.

In other words, those with medical issues who could result in premature death are considered dangerous to a life insurance company’s best interests.

Blood clots can span the entire range of risk. Sometimes a blood clot poses very little medical risk.

Other times, especially in the case of pulmonary embolism, they pose very high medical risk. A history of heart disease or heart attacks is another high risk example.

Fortunately, each life insurance company will look at your situation carefully.

When you speak to us to discuss the specifics of your condition, a few of the questions you should be ready to answer involve:

  • Overall Health – How is your health aside from blood clots? Do you have any other medical conditions?
  • Diet, Exercise, and Lifestyle – A healthy diet and regular exercise are looked upon highly by underwriters, especially for those with blood clots. Smoking is looked at negatively.
  • Date of Diagnosis – When were you diagnosed with blood clots?
  • Condition History – Give the underwriter a detailed history of your blood clots and related conditions. Often, issues which occurred well into the past are treated more lightly than more recent issues.
  • Underlying Issues – What is the cause of your blood clots? Is it an issue you can/did fix?
  • Treatments and Medications – Are you taking any treatments or medications to treat or prevent blood clots in the future?
  • Doctor Visits – Regularly visiting your doctor is seen as a big plus. Let your underwriter know how often you see them. We can help you draft a cover letter if need be.

There are a lot of variables involved when it comes to getting life insurance with a history blood clots.

That’s what your insurance application is for. It gives you a chance to thoroughly explain your situation to the us, and the underwriter reviewing your case.

Common Results After Clots

The results for life insurance with blood clots are all over the place. Once again, it depends on the specifics of your situation.

However, the most common result is a Standard rating. It is possible to receive a Preferred rating if your blood clots (and related issues) occurred well in the past.

Only those struggling with an additional serious complication, such as pulmonary embolism or heart disease, will likely receive a Sub-Standard rating for blood clots.

There’s an extremely small risk of being denied for life insurance altogether because of blood clots, though it’s not impossible.

Recurring instances, or instances where little information is known, or where treatment wasn’t successful all could result in a decline or postpone.

What to Do Next

We’re here to help you find the best life insurance for blood clots. We work closely with several providers who insure people with a history of blood clots.

We have the skills, the knowledge, and the experience to know what you should do, and where you should apply.

Contact us to start the process so we can assist you further.


Jason Fisher

Jason Fisher is the founder and CEO of, LLC. and a multi-state licensed life insurance agent who has helped over a million Americans seek out affordable coverage, compare quotes, or get their family and businesses covered.

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