If you’re a woman who had endometriosis, you may have apprehensions about buying life insurance.
The fact is life insurance after endometriosis is a straightforward process. If you haven’t had any complications, you shouldn’t have a problem obtaining traditional life insurance.
We understand disclosing your medical history when applying for life insurance can be scary. We’ll walk you through the process and explain exactly what may be expected of you.
Life insurance underwriters look at the mortality risk of different illnesses when rating you for health insurance. Endometriosis doesn’t always make you more risky to insure.
We can help you find out more about getting approved for coverage after endometriosis.
Tips For Buying Life Insurance After Endometriosis
According to the Office on Women’s Health, about 5 million women in the U.S. suffer from endometriosis.
Many patients with endometriosis get relief from pain medication or hormonal therapy. Treatments for endometriosis are usually relatively minor as long as there are no complications caused by the condition. Some women do need to undergo surgery or more extensive treatments for endometriosis.
Endometriosis is a condition causing tissue, which normally lines the uterus, to grow in other parts of the body. This tissue often grows on other reproductive organs, such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes or pelvic cavity. In rare cases, endometriosis grows on other organs. It has even been found in the lungs and brain.
Many women begin to show symptoms of endometriosis around the time of their menstrual cycle. Endometriosis can cause intense cramping during your period, abnormal cycles and pain during intercourse. Some other symptoms of endometriosis may be:
- Chronic pelvic pain
- Long term back pain
- Intestinal pain
- Spotting between periods
- Pain while urinating or passing stool while menstruating
- Digestive issues
- Infertility
One of the reasons endometriosis can be problematic is this type of tissue bleeds when you have your period. If the tissue is located in a place where the bleeding cannot leave the body, it may cause problems.
Endometriosis can block the fallopian tubes or create scar tissue preventing you from getting pregnant. It can also cause inflammation.
Women are more likely to get endometriosis in their 30’s and 40’s, although women of any age can get the condition. You can’t prevent endometriosis, but taking measures to lower the estrogen in your body may reduce your risk of developing it. You can lower your estrogen by:
- Avoiding hormonal birth control
- Staying away from estrogenic foods and chemicals
- Exercising regularly
- Avoiding excessive alcohol consumption
- Avoiding more than one caffeinated beverage per day
Endometriosis is not curable, but it is highly treatable. Hormone therapy may be used to manage the pain. Surgery may also be necessary to remove areas of endometriosis, especially if symptoms are severe.
Application Process
Your life insurance rates should not be affected by a diagnosis of endometriosis. However, your life insurance agent may also want to rule out other reproductive disorders linked to more serious diseases, like cancer.
When you apply for life insurance following endometriosis, be ready to answer the following questions:
- When were you diagnosed?
- What treatments have you undergone?
- Are you taking any medications for endometriosis?
- Have you had any complications?
- Have you undergone surgery?
- Do you have a family history of endometriosis?
- Have you had any symptoms in the past year?
- How severe are your symptoms?
- Do you go to the gynecologist regularly?
Life insurance underwriters want to make sure the condition has not negatively affected your organs. They also want to see you are taking measures to prevent health problems. If you are healthy in other respects, life insurance companies see you as a low risk as long as you’re continuing to manage your health.
Possible Ratings For Endometriosis Patients
Life insurance ratings are assigned based around a Standard health classification. People in average health usually receive the Standard rating and pay the base premium. If you’re in optimal health, you may receive a Preferred or Preferred Plus rating. This gives you a discount on your premiums cheaper than the Standard rating.
Most people with endometriosis receive a Standard rating if they don’t have other health concerns. If you have other issues which increase your mortality risk, you may be assigned a table rating. Table ratings add a certain percentage to the Standard rate, usually 25% per table addition.
You will be assigned a table rating if you have had a tumor associated with endometriosis. Detectable organ damage will also lead to a table rating. If the endometriosis is found in an uncommon location in the body, you will also be assigned a table rating.
Alternatives, If Necessary
If your endometriosis is severe or has caused rare complications, you may have trouble obtaining a life insurance policy. If this is the case, you may opt for an alternative life insurance plan.
Graded and guaranteed issue plans provide coverage even to people with serious illnesses. The benefit to guaranteed issue plans is they don’t require you to provide any medical information. The medical exam will also be waived. You are, as the name implies, guaranteed coverage. However, it’s the most expensive type of policy on the market.
A graded type does have medical questions, but as long as you can answer them and still be approved, you’ll pay less. Note, both these types have gradual benefit payouts, meaning you won’t receive full benefits until the second or third policy anniversary.
If you are quoted a higher rate because of your endometriosis, find out if you can get a discount for paying your premium annually. This can offer you significant savings even if your health classification led to a poor rating.
In Conclusion
Don’t be afraid to shop around for life insurance. In most cases, you won’t be rated any differently just because you have the disease. In addition to your health, underwriters will look at other risk factors, such as occupation, lifestyle choices, hobbies, driving record, age and gender.
We work with several life insurance companies. Different companies have different guidelines when it comes to underwriting individuals with endometriosis. We will take the time to find the carrier who will provide you the best rating and the coverage you need.