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Life Insurance for Pre-Existing Conditions

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Options for life insurance when living with a pre-existing condition may feel limited, but there are plenty of companies that offer policies for those with pre-existing or chronic conditions.

Finding life insurance that fits your needs can be a bit tricky, especially if you’re living with a chronic illness or pre-existing condition. Unsurprisingly, health and age are major factors when it comes to buying life insurance. But what do you do when looking for life insurance for pre-existing conditions?

If you are considered a high risk when it comes to insurance companies, you may find your options limited. Fortunately, there are a few companies on the market that do offer affordable options for pre-existing conditions.

How do I get life insurance regardless of health status?

Since over 27% of Americans are living with chronic illness or pre-existing conditions, there isn’t much you can do if you are considered a health risk to insurance companies.

Since most life insurance policies require medical exams, medical records, and health questionnaires, there aren’t many options for you to opt out if your insurer requires them for coverage acceptance.

Fortunately, there are some companies that don’t require medical exams or health questionnaires in order to be covered, and will still cover you if you have a known pre-existing condition.


If you are between the ages of 50 and 80, Gerber has policies that range from $5,000 to $25,000 with their guaranteed life insurance.

The application process is simple and easy and there is no medical exam or health questionnaire required. Your acceptance — regardless of your health — is guaranteed.

Rates will vary depending on the severity of your pre-existing condition.


AIG offers policies from $5,000 up to $25,000 in coverage for those between the ages of 50 and 80. AIG does require simple disclosure in order to obtain coverage, and for more serious conditions, additional medical screening may be required.

In most cases, however, there is no waiting period and, as a result, applications can be processed within 15 minutes. AIG will not turn you down for any health reasons, but your rates will vary.

Great Western

Great Western Life Insurance offers the highest amount of coverage at $40,000 (and in some cases, $48,000) for individuals between 40 and 85.

Great Western’s guaranteed acceptance life insurance includes two additional benefits on top of coverage:

  • Accelerated Death Benefit. This will pay the current value of your policy if you have less than 12 months to live due to a terminal illness diagnosis.
  • Children’s Insurance Benefit Rider. This allows you to get a life insurance policy on a dependent child or grandchild for $2,500 for just $1/month.

It should be noted that Great Western is around 10-25% more expensive on average than both Gerber and AIG because of this unique policy. As long as you can answer three medical questions, you will be eligible (in some cases) for up to $48,000 in coverage.

Mutual of Omaha

Mutual of Omaha offers a few different types of coverage for pre-existing conditions, as well as life insurance for pre-existing cancer.

In order to obtain coverage, you will need to provide a detailed medical history, and, in many cases, take a medical exam. This also includes disclosing the type of cancer you have as well as a few other factors.

  • The tumor grade. This assesses how abnormal the tumor cells and tissue look and indicates how aggressive the cancer is. Tumors are generally graded on a scale of 1 to 4.
  • The cancer stage. This refers to how much the tumor has grown and whether cancer cells have spread elsewhere in the body. Cancers are grouped into five categories.

Some policies will require your cancer to be in remission before offering coverage, while others will require slightly higher premiums.

Fidelity Life

Fidelity Life has a few different options when it comes to covering pre-existing conditions:

  • RAPIDecision Life. Get coverage from day one, so you don’t have to wait, for six months to go through the underwriting process for maximum coverage. Coverage amounts range from $50,000 to $2 million.
  • RAPIDecision Senior Term. Designed for people between the ages of 50 and 70 with coverage up to $100,000, with partial coverage starting immediately with no medical exam required.
  • RAPIDecision® Senior Whole Life. Designed for seniors aged 50-85 with coverage up to $150,000, no medical exam, and guaranteed level premiums. You also accumulate cash value and get final expense protection.

Fidelity Life does require a health questionnaire when applying, as well as a medical exam if they feel that your coverage may affect your rates or what type of policy you qualify for.

If Fidelity Life does end up denying you, you are eligible to reapply again after six months.

What are some pre-existing conditions that may disqualify me from coverage?

There are a few different lists of pre-existing conditions that may limit your coverage, cause your rates to increase, or disqualify you from coverage.

  • Anxiety and depression
  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • HIV
  • Obesity
  • Cancer
  • Sleep apnea
  • Smoking

The good news is that, since medical advances have improved outcomes over the years and continue to do so, this may lead you to better rates in the long run.

If you are in remission from cancer or your chronic condition is well-managed, you could qualify for better and lower rates.

Can you buy life insurance for someone who is dying?

The short answer is yes. Companies like Mutual of Omaha and Fidelity Life offer coverage for those who have cancer or other terminal issues, as well as offering after-death expense coverage options.

Life Insurance for Pre-Existing Conditions: Key Takeaways

Living with a chronic illness or a pre-existing condition can be exhausting, especially when looking for life insurance that covers during-life and after-death expenses.

However, the companies listed above are some great options when looking for coverage and rates that are affordable.


Katherine Warnock

Katherine is a freelance editorial writer with a degree in Advanced Technical and Development Writing from SUNY Adirondack. She has years experience writing on topics such as finance, insurance, and personal development.

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